Feb 23, 2017

14604505071_6c47cca7d8_nThe harsh winter can do a number on your car. The snow and ice combined with the salt and sand used to clear the roads are hard on the paint, the parts, and the interior. When the snow melts and the weather starts to warm up, it is a good idea to give your car a good cleaning. Here is why you should spring clean your car.

It Will Extend the Life of the Paint

You want to make sure you clean off all the salt and sand from the outside of your car. It is important to do this during the winter as well, but in the spring give it a thorough cleaning to make sure nothing is left behind. Salt left on the paint will eat away at it and cause rust to form. You also want to make sure you get in all the cracks and crevices as well as under the edges. Use a soft towel and work from the top down so you don’t scratch the paint as you clean. After you wash and dry the car, apply a coat of wax to help make it shine and extend the life of the paint even more. 

Cleaning it Will Help Maintain Its Value

A car with salt stains on the carpet or ground-in dirt will have a lower value than a car that is well-maintained. While it is impossible to keep all the dirt out, especially if you live in a wintery area, you can get it cleaned up when the weather gets better. Make sure to take the floor mats out and get the dirt from underneath, and give the dashboard a thorough wipe down.

Regular Washing Helps Prevent Corrosion

When you clean your car, don’t forget about the undercarriage. This is very important in areas where there is salt on the road. The salt and dirt can build up underneath and cause the exhaust and the muffler system to corrode. When you wash the exterior of the car, make sure to take a look underneath and get this cleaned too. You’ll also want to look under the hood. Dirt can get up in the engine, so you’ll want to check to make sure it doesn’t need a professional cleaning.

You’ll Get Organized

We tend to grab things as we head out the door to keep in our car, and they never come back inside. In the winter it is often necessary to keep extra gloves and a blanket or extra jacket with you when you travel. Spend some time cleaning out the inside of the car along with the trunk and remove items that you don’t need anymore. Not only will this help you get organized, but it might also lighten up the load and help improve your gas mileage.

These are a few reasons you should spring clean your car. It helps to extend the life of the vehicle, helps it to maintain its value, and allows you can get organized before the summer travel months.

Image by Petr Magera is licensed under CC BY 2.0